Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Changing Table Name to Write data dynamically.

Hello there, folks.
I have 5 tables with exactly same column types, names, and constraints
but with differnt names.(e.g. table1, table2, ..., table5)
I have a stored procedure(sp_example) that writes some calculated data to
but I would like to modify the stored procedure to write the similiar data
(but from different sources) to other tables(table2,... table5)
depending on value passed to the stored procedure
(e.g, exec sp_example '2' will write to table2, exec sp_example '3' will
write to table3 and so on)...
I have tried to use a pattern like
create procedure sp_example @.param
declare @.cmd as Varchar(8000)
set @.cmd = @.cmd + 'INSERT INTO ' + getTableName(@.param)
set @.cmd = @.cmd + ' SELECT * From sometable '
But the problem is that stored procedure i am working with is roughly 1000
and having to write "set @.cmd = @.cmd + '...'" seems like an overkill.
So is there any other way to change the "table" name only dynamically?
Thank you in advance.> I have 5 tables with exactly same column types, names, and
> but with differnt names.(e.g. table1, table2, ..., table5)
Why? Sounds like a design flaw. Use one table and add an extra column
for whatever attribute is represented by the different table names. You
can still create views with the original table names so you shouldn't
even need to change your code.
Failing that, you could consider using a partitioned view. See Books
Online for details. Good design is the right solution rather than messy
Dynamic SQL.
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
--|||> Why? Sounds like a design flaw. Use one table and add an extra column
Yeah, it seems like so but as a programmer, i have to deal with badly
designed table structures...

> Failing that, you could consider using a partitioned view. See Books
> Online for details. Good design is the right solution rather than messy
I don't think partitioned views can be applied to the problem i have after
going through the online book...

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