Thursday, March 22, 2012

Changing TCP/IP IP addresses under Protocols for SQLExpress

SQL Server Configuraton Manager,

Protocols for sqlexpress,


When I initially installed SQL Server 2005 Express, it automatically picked up all the IP addresses (60 of them) I had on the server, and filled them in under TCP/IP - IP adresses Tab.

I recently took those IPs off the server and replaced them with 30 new IP addresses. Is there a way to have SQL Server 2005 Express read the Network configuration on the server and take the old IPs off the TCP/IP - IP addresses tab and put the new one's there?



You have to reinstall your SQL Server to pick the new IP addresses. Are you listening on each IP address seperately or listening on IPALL? Those IPs does not matter if your server listens on IPALL.|||

Thanks a lot Xinwei, I reinstalled SQL Server and everything went fine.


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