Thursday, March 22, 2012

changing textbox expression based on column value

Please forgive what I'm sure is a novice question but I've only been
playing around with Reporting Svcs for a few days.
I have a report that's rendered from a stored procedure (no prob there
- works quite nicely). One of the grouping variables, Type, has values
such as "SS_F", "SS_P" and the like.
Naturally what I'd like to do is assign meaningful labels to these
values. Since there are only a few of them and they're static for the
report - that is, the same 4 values (well, up to 4 .. perhaps only 2 or
3 in any given run) would be returned on any run of the stored proc.
Where do I do that' Or do I need to make the assignments in code? If
so, how do I get there? And before suggesting that I do them in the
sp, I can't - it's not mine to touch :)
Thanks so much for any help!
-Steve LordYou would put in a nested iif statement. RS 2005 books online didn't have an
index listing for that but you could search on the phrase conditional
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Steve L" <> wrote in message
> Please forgive what I'm sure is a novice question but I've only been
> playing around with Reporting Svcs for a few days.
> I have a report that's rendered from a stored procedure (no prob there
> - works quite nicely). One of the grouping variables, Type, has values
> such as "SS_F", "SS_P" and the like.
> Naturally what I'd like to do is assign meaningful labels to these
> values. Since there are only a few of them and they're static for the
> report - that is, the same 4 values (well, up to 4 .. perhaps only 2 or
> 3 in any given run) would be returned on any run of the stored proc.
> Where do I do that' Or do I need to make the assignments in code? If
> so, how do I get there? And before suggesting that I do them in the
> sp, I can't - it's not mine to touch :)
> Thanks so much for any help!
> -Steve Lord
>|||Here's what I had for changing the image used in a report:
=Switch(Fields!PDPType.Value="Bug", "http://localhost/images/bug.gif",
Fields!PDPType.Value="Customization Request",
"http://localhost/images/customization.gif", Fields!PDPType.Value="New
Feature/Enhancement", "http://localhost/images/enhancement.gif",
Fields!PDPType.Value="Script Request", "http://localhost/images/script.gif",
Fields!PDPType.Value="Support Request", http://localhost/images/support.GIF)
Should work for a text field too, I think. Sorry if I'm not understanding
your original question, though, or if you run into another snag. I'm rather
a newbie at the RS stuff myself.
"Steve L" <> wrote in message
> Please forgive what I'm sure is a novice question but I've only been
> playing around with Reporting Svcs for a few days.
> I have a report that's rendered from a stored procedure (no prob there
> - works quite nicely). One of the grouping variables, Type, has values
> such as "SS_F", "SS_P" and the like.
> Naturally what I'd like to do is assign meaningful labels to these
> values. Since there are only a few of them and they're static for the
> report - that is, the same 4 values (well, up to 4 .. perhaps only 2 or
> 3 in any given run) would be returned on any run of the stored proc.
> Where do I do that' Or do I need to make the assignments in code? If
> so, how do I get there? And before suggesting that I do them in the
> sp, I can't - it's not mine to touch :)
> Thanks so much for any help!
> -Steve Lord

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