Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Changing parameters causes refresh...

Hey Guys,

I have two parameters on a report, which are independent of one another, yet when I change one, the current report refreshes, and I'm left with a blank screen. What is causing the refresh behavior on this report? It appears as though it is treating them as cascading parameters, but I don’t use one to filter the other. Since the report has default values, when first navigating to the report, it displays just fine. I would like the user to be able to change the first parameter without the report refreshing to a blank screen. Once it refreshes, they can click on the “View Report” button and see the report, but I would like for the current report to stay there, which is the case on my other reports, until they click the button. Any ideas?

Thanks - Dan

Send the code of your parameters datasets. they shouldnt refresh if they are not referenced|||

Any news on this, I have Same problem.

SQL Server 2000 SP3

Data is retrieved from OLAP cube, some parameters are also retrieved from olap cube and I have also some non-queried parameters and all parameters have non- queried defaults with expressions and custom codes.

When I change a selection the parameters are refreshed and defaulted.

Any Idea?

My Parameters Data Sets:

{RS_ns_PX_Time_Hier} ON COLUMNS,
{[Time].Members} ON ROWS



{RS_ns_PX_Currency_Hier} ON COLUMNS,
{[Currency].Members} ON ROWS


My Main Data Set :

"WITH SET [Period1] AS '{"+ Parameters!px_Time_Hier1.Value +"}' MEMBER [Measures].[SalesP1] AS 'SUM([Period1] ,[Measures].Sales)' MEMBER [Measures].[SalesP2] AS 'SUM({" + Parameters!CompareBy.Value+ "},[Measures].Sales)' MEMBER [Measures].[SalesP3] AS 'SUM({ParallelPeriod(Year)} ,[Measures].Sales)' MEMBER [Measures].[SalesP4] AS 'SUM({PeriodsToDate("+Parameters!CompareBy.Label+",ParallelPeriod(Year))} ,[Measures].Sales)' MEMBER [Measures].[CIPP1] AS 'SUM([Period1] ,[Measures].CIP)' MEMBER [Measures].[CIPP2] AS 'SUM({" + Parameters!CompareBy.Value+ "},[Measures].CIP)' MEMBER [Measures].[Open Orders] AS 'SUM({[Time].[All Time]},[Measures].[Open Order])' MEMBER [Sales Category].[SalesCat] AS 'Aggregate({"+ Parameters!SalesCat.Value +"})' SELECT NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN({" + Parameters!px_Subsidiary_Hier.Value +"},{[Country].[Purc Country].Members} ,{Descendants([Item].[All Item],[Item].[Commodity],LEAVES)} ) ON ROWS, {[Measures].[SalesP1], [Measures].[CIPP1],[Measures].[SalesP2], [Measures].[CIPP2],[Measures].[SalesP3],[Measures].[SalesP4],[Measures].[Open Orders]} ON COLUMNS , [Period1] ON PAGES FROM Cost WHERE ([Sales Category].[SalesCat], " + Parameters!px_Currency_Hier1.Value + ")"


It sounds like the dataset queries used as valid value / default value of the second parameter use complex expressions (e.g. with string concatenation) and could potentially call custom assemblies etc. which could indirectly reference the value of the first report parameter - this is why the parameters are treated as cascading parameters.

You said the two report parameters are independent - in that's really the case, you could just switch the order of the two parameters to solve the issue.

-- Robert

|||Actually, there were no complex expressions involved. The datasets only took one parameter, which was a hard-coded number. I tried switching the the order of the parameters, and it didn't help. What ended up helping was to create a report parameter specifically for the dataset to pass as its parameter, instead of using the hard-coded parameter directly in the dataset. Not sure why that helped, but it did.|||It is related with default values, expression type defaults cause this
eventhough expression does not refer to another parameter. I have changed my
default values to queried defaults and the problem has gone.

Not sure if this is documented, I have checked BOL and could not find
anything maybe somewhere else.


I'm facing the same problem. My reportViewer web-control is 'refreshed', but left blanc (white) when I leave a parameter input-box (a datetime box).

There is no referenses between my parameters and non of them has 'hardcoded' default-values (except for some that defaults to null). However, some datasets uses the parameters as input to stored procedures.

When the exact same report is viewed from a reportViewer in a winform the report is left intact after the parameters are changed and the report only updates if the 'view report' or 'refresh' button is pressed. So, here I'm not left with a blanc (white) report.

Can I solve this problem in some way?

Regards Andreas

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